Sims 4 belly mod
Sims 4 belly mod

sims 4 belly mod

Others with lack of chin will also appear, these six are not six in a row, I'm simply showing here that variation can occur. Below are six female YAs using the randomize button, I have not touched them otherwise. Another example is settings on the nose, where nose width and flattening the nose and turning up the tip of the nose were all set at 0 the consequence being that the preset noses in CaS could be chosen, but wouldn't be pushed or pulled this way or that way (according to me) to create enough variation between one sim and the next one. The randomization choices or values when random sims are generated into a game are also altered in many places, for example the female jaw and chin are able to lengthen such that all females will no longer be the chinless wonders. If anyone requires "before" screenshots of the wide jaw issue, there are plenty in this thread: I hit the randomize button, simple then the age buttons, simple. This sim is untouched by me, no dragging on his chin or earlobes or anywhere else. Below is a random male from CaS created as YA and aged up and back down to teen. Aging will be as expected previous to the patch. Also fixed of course in Live Mode with all aging on males. Original V1: This mod fixes the issue from the Oct.1st update with YA male sims acquiring the wide jaw and squinty eyes when aging to Adult and Elder, or down to Teen. The male jaw and chin can be moved down further by the randomizer, just as was done for females in the V1 version. The cheeks on male sims becoming gaunter along the side of the face is reduced on adult males, so the difference in face shape between YA and Adult males is not as large. (The elder female still has the thinner wrinkled lips just like the elder male.) The eyebrows lowering on male sims when aging up is removed. The lips becoming fuller (or not) on female sims when aging is removed.

sims 4 belly mod

The face being pulled forwards, but then hopping back when aging up or down is fixed. V2: Mod is updated to V2, fixing the issues described in the comments. These were both reduced to minimum because of the WideJaw issue the previous mods went overboard on this, which is unnecessary.

sims 4 belly mod

With the male jaw the V3 allows for larger randomization when creating the Townies on jaw width and jaw upwards (giving a shorter jaw and chin sometimes). Wider hips on the adult female is reduced in this V3 so it isn't as noticeable. Female hips become wider when aging from YA to Adult and again to Elder (this is by design from EA, it is not a 'bug' or 'glitch' if this is what some players think).

sims 4 belly mod

In V2 there was an issue with male lips where the YA had fuller or thicker lips than the teen or adult this is repaired.

Sims 4 belly mod